Ligazón á secciónLibraries Experience & Sentiment
Among React libraries and frameworks, TanStack Query and Zustand have overtaken Next.js to take the lead the way in terms of overall positivity.
And while Create React App may be the most used framework, it's also one of the most disliked with 33.1% of negative opinions, right after Redux's 34.1%.
Note that some items such as useState
and fetch
were also included as points of comparison, even though they're not libraries themselves.
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- Used it: Respondents who have used an item.
- Heard of it: Respondents who have heard about an item, but haven't used it.
- Never heard of it: Respondents who have never heard about an item.
- Positive: Respondents who are interested in learning more about a technology; or are willing to use it again.
- Neutral: Responents who did not indicate any sentiment about a technology.
- Negative: Respondents who are not interested in learning more about a technology; or have used it and had a negative experience.
My 2024 Pick: TanStack Router
Ligazón á secciónLibraries Retention vs Usage
Among libraries and frameworks, Next.js was still the only item boasting both high retention and high usage. That being said, TanStack Query does seem to be on the verge of crossing over into the >50% usage quadrant anytime now!
Este gráfico mostra o ratio de retención fronte ao número total de usuarios de cada tecnoloxía. Pódese dividir en catro cadrantes:
AVALIAR: Baixo uso, alta satisfacción. Tecnoloxías que merecen que lles botes un ollo.
ADOPTAR: Moi usadas, alta satisfacción. Tecnoloxías seguras para adoptar.
EVITAR: Baixo uso, baixa satisfacción. Tecnoloxías que probablemente deberías evitar a día de hoxe.
ANALIZAR: Moi usadas, baixa satisfacción. Pénsao ben, se son tecnoloxías que estás a usar nestes momentos.