Verktøy for å laste inn og håndtere data
Link til delData Loading Ratios Over Time
TanStack Query continues its growth trajectory, both in terms of usage and positivity. The interest graph in particular reveals that –along with tRPC– it's pretty much the only data loading library that is still intriguing respondents today!
Link til delAndre biblioteker for datalasting
Besides ky and URQL, no new data loading library scored more than the minimum 10 mention threshold.
Hvilke andre biblioteker har du brukt for å laste data?
Vi spurte medlemmer av React-fellesskapet om å dele sitt "årets valg"
Min valg for 2024: Pigment CSS
Material UI-teamet bygger et neste generasjons CSS-in-JS-bibliotek som tar den styled API-en inn i React Server Components-æraen. Det finnes mange CSS-in-JS-verktøy der ute, men dette sjekker alle boksene for meg.
Vi spurte medlemmer av React-fellesskapet om å dele sitt "årets valg"
Josh W. Comeau
Programvareingeniør og pedagog. Skaper av The Joy of React
Link til delUtfordringer med datalasting
The fact that state management was cited as the biggest issues when it comes to data loading may explain the popularity of TanStack Query, since it tackes that issue head-on.
Yet overall, the fact that only 3% of respondents shared a pain point at all shows that data loading may actually have somehow become one of the least painful parts of modern web apps.
Hvilke utfordringer har du møtt på når det gjelder datalasting?
Link til delAnbefalte ressurser
Client-Side GraphQL with React, v2
Use type-safe GraphQL APIs in your React applications. Learn the GraphQL Query Language and write queries and mutations while building a data layer with the Urql GraphQL client.
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