Biblioteker for å håndtere applikasjonsstate
Link til delState Management Ratios Over Time
Zustand confirms its lead in terms of positivity, with only the default useState scoring higher. It's also grown in terms of usage, going from 28% to 41% over the past year!
Link til delAndre biblioteker for statehåndtering
While TanStack Query is best known as a data loading library, it does a great job of managing the resulting state as well.
Hvilke andre biblioteker har du brukt for å håndtere state i appene dine?
Vi spurte medlemmer av React-fellesskapet om å dele sitt "årets valg"
Min valg for 2024: CodeTV (formerly Learn with Jason)
Jason’s mission is to make programming fun and accessible for everyone, and he is doing such an incredible job of it. In one series, Jason and 3 devs are faced with the challenge to create an app based on a short coding prompt like “build a leaderboard” or “build an e-commerce site”. And his newest series is a web dev game show that is kind of like a mix of Jeopardy and Hot Ones!
Vi spurte medlemmer av React-fellesskapet om å dele sitt "årets valg"
Shaundai Person
Front end Senior Software Engineer (Netflix) and course instructor
Link til delUtfordringer med statehåndtering
State management as a whole remains unnecessarily complex, with Redux in particular taking a lot of the blame from respondents.
Hvilke utfordringer har du møtt på når det gjelder statehåndtering?
Link til delAnbefalte ressurser
Advanced Redux with Redux Toolkit
In this course, you'll use Redux Toolkit to simplify reducer logic and actions, use TypeScript with Redux, add tests, and use RTK Query to fetch data in real-world projects.
State Modeling in React with XState
In this course, we'll be learning to model state before we code using state machines and statecharts and then use those in our app to orchestrate complex app logic.
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